
Ren School presents

Soul Flight Adventure Program

9-Month Women’s Journey for Awakening, Activation, and Magical Living

It’s time to Re-Ignite your Light, Woman… Get into your Love, Power, Magic, and Juicy Divine Inspiration

Soul Flight

Are you ready to get TURNED ON by life – again, or maybe for the first time ever?

This program might be for you if you love to be fully plugged into the divine great mystery— or you are very curious about the spiritual nature of our existence. Do any of these fit you?

You have a creative project such as a book, business, or work in the helping arts. You are ready to bring this work alive in a new way, and infuse with your dynamic sparkling brilliance. Fresh energy, focus, energetic alignment, and activation now please!

You yourself are ready to rise up and evolve into your next level of being. You know that life is magical and inspiring, and you are ready to embody a whole new level of richness, light, intuitive guidance, creativity, love connection, and personal power so you can open new energetic pathways and exciting life opportunities.

You are going through a tough time right now. Something feels empty, lonely, or missing. You know that you might be intuitive or gifted, but you get so caught up with the rest of life that this vital aspect of your being gets starved out and you sometimes feel downright depressed, lost, and ready to throw in the towel. You NEED to be reconnected to Spirit, and supported in a sacred container.

You have a creative project such as a book, business, or work in the helping arts. You are ready to bring this work alive in a new way, and infuse with your dynamic sparkling brilliance. Fresh energy, focus, energetic alignment, and activation now please!

You yourself are ready to rise up and evolve into your next level of being. You know that life is magical and inspiring, and you are ready to embody a whole new level of richness, light, intuitive guidance, creativity, love connection, and personal power so you can open new energetic pathways and exciting life opportunities.

You are going through a tough time right now. Something feels empty, lonely, or missing. You know that you might be intuitive or gifted, but you get so caught up with the rest of life that this vital aspect of your being gets starved out and you sometimes feel downright depressed, lost, and ready to throw in the towel. You NEED to be reconnected to Spirit, and supported in a sacred container.

Nathalie Babazadeh, L.Ac.

Your Guide

Hi, I'm Nathalie!

I am a shamanic healer and teacher.

It is my mission to empower women via their own intuitive guidance and soul energy. I use cross-cultural wisdom ways and my personal training and energetic vibration to do this.

I have given thousands of healing sessions and helped many people in their transformative awakenings in 18 years of clinical acupuncture practice in the San Francisco Bay Area.

I have also personally recovered from depression and chronic pain using this exact Soul Map framework and everything I share on our adventure together.

I am a proud co-founder of the Ren School of Consciousness, the creator of The Soul Map Adventure Program, and mother of 2 magical human beings.

My lifelong study includes 4 years of cultural anthropology at UC Berkeley, a 4 years graduate program in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, shamanic apprenticeship, and study with my beloved teachers Anna De Mattei, Angeles Arrien, Don Victor de Estrada, and Master Chunyi Lin.

This work is to help us all light back up, and live in love, flow, and grace!

Some time ago…

I had no idea what it meant to be turned on, or “activated” by life…

I also never would have called it depression… I truly had such a blessed life — health, family, career path that I loved…

I had it all, but my happiness felt empty and depressing, which doesn’t even make sense. But, I know that’s how it felt…. Also, “happiness” would fade in and out, unrelated to circumstances.

Then, something happened that changed everything for me.

It’s so simple, and it did happen gradually. I had a DEEP realization that...

  • There is more to life than just what we see and know
  • There is a high intelligent order, that is benevolent, and that responds to ME... to US...
  • We can affect change in our physical reality and circumstances with our MINDS and hearts.

It responds — in times of desperation… in times of curiosity, happiness, ecstatic joy, and in our petition to help others (yes healers, moms, heart-centered artists, visionaries, community leaders, I’m talking to you)

“This program is the real deal. Nathalie walks her talk and this is one of the best trainings I’ve ever had.”

OUT from abysmal grief and sorrow — INTO awe-inspired high vibration living

Knowing that I personally have instant access to a divine intelligent order is what pulled me out of chronic low grade depression… Keeps me intrigued by life, hopeful, and excited to always grow, learn, create, heal, and share.

It supports me through all the twists and turns of life, including the times when I’m standing at the edge of an infinite black hole of loneliness. I can feel the breeze of emptiness.

It has supported me and my clients in thousands of 1:1 acupuncture and shamanic healing sessions.

And secretly, this is my ultimate intention for you in the Soul Flight Adventure — to facilitate this realization, and teach you how to engage with the Great Mystery and creative life force — for alchemical healing and FULL on LIVING.

The Soul Map Adventure is about tapping into all the parts of who you are — where you come from, your experiences, wisdom, challenges, dreams, gifts, what you love — on a soul level — integrating them into your energetic vibration, and plugging you full on into the ultimate power portal – the divine source of life.

It is spiritual, metaphysical, and shamanic in nature, and will fuel all important aspects of your life.

Over the years, with the Soul Map journeys, I’ve personally been able to:


Live in good health, inspiration, and prosperity, discovering the work that I love and am here to do


Break out of layers of my shell — some felt like concrete caves of shyness, some like clearing out heavy layers of dark fog, and some manifested as physical health ailments — allergies, chronic pain, and depression. 


Manifest my dream man, children, and family

Most women don't need much, and we are happy to give give give. But we do need something sacred, something rich and meaningful - even just a few minutes of feeling the magic and mystery of life. If not, we feel empty and become resentful or lost. We need to tend to this desire and connect with the infinite on a regular basis.

Imagine if...

  • You know deeply, in the core of your being, that no matter what happens in life, you will be ok, and not only ok, but over the top taken care of with bursts of ecstatic experiences in daily life…
  • You RADIATE your own truth and light and live in total awe of the great mystery of life.
  • Your project, work or creative endeavors are ACTIVATED and lit up—electrified with divine dynamic beauty and grace. You feel on path, inspired, and proud of your creative contribution.
  • Your most intimate relationships deepen —or come into being! They feel rich and trusting, and you feel ignited by your soul connections and how you’ve been brought together to share in this life.
  • Important relationships that are difficult, start to harmonize, heal, or soften. They no longer have such a grip on you, draining your life force, wasting your time and resources, and instead, something good possibly comes out of them.
  • Your weekends and time with family are no longer life-sucking. No more of everyone going in different directions, wanting all different things—where it all just feels like one big compromise and no one gets what they really need. You have sacred personal time that is deeply enriching, and others get what they want as well. Everyone is fulfilled, AND you create meaningful family time experiences.
  • You know EXACTLY how to take care of yourself and tune into what you need and want to feel nourished, fulfilled, exquisitely ignited and lit on fire. Usually, it's the most simple of things, and occasionally it is lush and indulgent. You know that listening to your inner guidance will NEVER steer you wrong.
  • You live and create in dynamic flow, fully aligned with your values, purpose, and what you love. You are a vibrant magical being. You know it, and so do the people around you. It's a fun and fun-ny mystery to most…. It's also very handy, and fuels every aspect of your life.

The future of medicine (which is here NOW) has more and more to do with consciousness and our ability to heal ourselves. We will always need excellent trained doctors, healers, and therapists, but all medical interventions have a better chance of success when the individual has a strong grounding in the power to heal ourselves through consciousness, energetics, and self healing meditative practices.

Women, it's time...

Are you a potent, fun, deep, creative, responsible, accomplished, heart-centered woman?

Are you mystic-minded, sensitive, intuitive, and caring?

Do you have a role or project that you would like to dial in, energize, and potently infuse with your unique genius?

Are you aware of this concept of activation–flipping the SWITCH ON?!

Here’s how the 9-month journey works...


You choose something you would love to have happen over the next year, or something you want to energize and infuse with your very best juju---such as a business, project, or YOU yourself....


Each month we gather for a live circle in zoom for a fun and deeply enriching time together to work a Soul Portal.  You will likely feel energized and inspired for what's next, and many women experience real world shifts right after our gatherings. 

The “soul travel” is meditative, metaphysical, and shamanic in nature. It only takes about 20 minutes but it can take direct effect in your life–even change the course of your life—which is why you need to allow more space and time for the work to integrate and set (if you choose to work independently of the live circles).

You will TRAIL BLAZE and EMBODY a new life and path for yourself.


You will carve out a second sacred space for yourself each month to fan the flames of your energy work and process, and fully integrate the work. Some will choose to meet up with a pod (small group of 3) to do the assignments, and some will prefer to work independently. 


At the end of the 9 months, you will create a celebratory completion or initiation for yourself. You will have a chance to share with the group, and be encouraged and witnessed in your transformation, initiation, business, or creative project. 

Throughout the 9 months you will be held in a most sacred container so you can build strength in your vision and personal power in the midst of the 10,000 things.

If you are ready for this transformative and deeply enriching experience, book a call now so we can connect and find out for sure.

There IS a way to embrace the dark and embody the light, divine woman!

Do you want to be supported, heal, or expand in any certain area of life?

Are you ready to join me ON THE PATH? All the while, with fun, spirit of adventure, and self love?

  • Develop your intuitive guidance
  • Activate your path, power, and projects
  • Fully embody your divine femme radiance

 Soul Flight Adventure Program

  • The Soul Map Total Healing Awakening and Activation Program 
    9 months to be held in this sacred container. Each month we will deep dive into 1 of the 9 Portals of the Soul for Love, Power, Magic, and Prosperity. This curriculum is metaphysical, meditative, and shamanic in nature and by doing the simple processes, you will deeply create and live your unique spiritual path forever.
  • Qi Gong for Meaningful Manifestation and Miracle Breakthrough
    Moving meditation based in Taoist teachings for spiritual cultivation, health, harmony, project energizing, and real world resolution and results.


I have been overwhelmed by the experience over these past weeks. The seemingly simple concepts and discussions are indeed kept simple, yet when reviewed or paused upon reveal a depth and complexity that is breathtaking.


“I shed so many layers of conditioning. I feel I’m a whole new person, but actually I’m just myself. I feel so free!”


I feel more grounded and as new opportunities are coming my way, I feel a certain clarity about them, and confidence to either accept or pass on these opportunities. Clarity and confidence are powerful cornerstones!


“Life feels so much richer, and I’m able to integrate parts of my past that we’re holding me back in career and relationships and I didn’t even know it.”


“Nathalie is a gifted and intuitive healer.”


“I have so much more confidence with clients. I trust my intuition in sessions and in my life.”


“I’ve never felt this good in my body in my entire life.”


“I ran into a man I knew 27 years ago! It happened within 10 days of doing the energy practice— and now a year later we are happily married.”


“I couldn’t believe how easy it was to read energy and get vital info for another person’s healing.”


“This is such a magical program. It’s life changing.”


I feel more grounded and as new opportunities are coming my way, I feel a certain clarity about them, and confidence to either accept or pass on these opportunities. Clarity and confidence are powerful cornerstones!


“My daughter and I are closer now.”


“At first I asked Nathalie for more work. I thought we needed to do all these things… but Nathalie told me to just do the program and let myself be held in the sacred container. She said I need to stay very present with the work, but I don’t need to do a lot of work… Now, I’ve been changed by this program for life and I am able to hold sacred space for my medicine clients in a much more powerful way.”

Here’s what I want you to know about the level of this work and how it’s unlike any other program out there…

  • This program cuts straight to the heart of what’s important and what women need now for results, deep healing, and activation. It is sophisticated energy work that is refined into a simple and doable step by step process for you to come into your highest path.
  • The framework of the Soul Map can help you access the deepest parts of your heart and soul so that you can fully experience life–through thick and thin—transmute trauma that keeps you locked up, and develop your ability to open up the most exquisite pathways in life you may never have imagined.
  • You will be held in a most sacred container for 9 months, a full academic year, for a full transformation with privacy, connection and support.

“I had the biggest laughing fit of my life — a few days after a soul retrieval — and I just feel different, more joyful.”

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I do the Soul Map Journey on my own — without showing up to the live group meetings? I’m a private person and group work makes me nervous.

The program works for anyone who does it whole-heartedly. No need to show up for real-time group sessions, especially if you work better privately.  By joining, you ARE in the live sacred container of the program, and therefore held in the high frequency healing realm of this potent group of women, and your decision to do this work. There are times in life when it's best to do our work in private, and other times where participating in the collective is just what we need.

  • Do I need to have a project to focus on to join this program? What if I just want to live more intuitively and spiritually?

You do not need a project or business! Your heart and soul are the project!

Soul Flight Meditation

Fly High, Woman.

Above the fog of our heavy hearts

Free from the chains of self doubt,

repression, political, cultural


Of light, beauty,

Freedom, inspiration, love, and divinity

FEEL the warm radiance…. the glow of your heart,

vision, soul’s light

SMILE in the Mind’s Eye as you

SOAR, like a

Bird in the celestial flows, the starry night sky.

You are PEACE

You are GLORY

BREATHE infinity

You are the breath of life